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Archive for the ‘Auto Enrolment’ Category

Auto Enrolment – Entitled Workers

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

To see whether your staff falls into this category review our blog “Auto Enrolment – Worker Categories”

Once you have categorised your member of staff as an Entitled Worker you need to notify them of this by letter, if they wish to join a pension scheme you must enrol them into a scheme of your choice. The employee would then have to make contributions but as an employer you have no legal obligation to contribute too.

If you have any questions relating to whether your staff are Entitled Workers and what implication this has to your business please feel free to contact us here at Cheadles. We can advise what correspondence needs sending to your staff and what to do if they decide they want to contribute to a pension fund.

Auto Enrolment – Non-Eligible Jobholder

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

To see whether your staff falls into this category review our blog “Auto Enrolment – Worker Categories”

Once you have categorised your member of staff as a Non-Eligible Jobholder you need to notify them of this by letter. They can then opt-in to the scheme if they wish.

If you have any questions relating to whether your staff are Non-Eligible Jobholders and what implication this has to your business please feel free to contact us here at Cheadles. We can advise what correspondence needs sending to your staff and what to do if they decide they want to contribute to a pension fund.

Automatic Enrolment – Missed Deadlines

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

Try not to panic, there are things that can be done! Firstly you need to review what contributions should have been made.

We also suggest you notify your professional advisor as they can give you specific advice to your situation.

Finally; make a voluntary disclosure to The Pension Regulator. They are there to help not to penalise for genuine mistakes that have happened.

If you need advice on this and some reassurance give Cheadles a call. Based in Stafford we can help go through the problems and find solutions to minimise if not remove all penalties that you could incur for not meeting your employer obligations on time.

Auto Enrolment – Eligible Jobholder

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

To see whether your staff falls into this category review our blog “Auto Enrolment – Worker Categories”

Once you have categorised your member of staff as an Eligible Jobholder you need to notify them of this by letter have a peek at these guys.

The contributions to be made to the employee’s pension fund are as follows:

Er Ee Total
From October 2012 1.0% 1.0% 2.0%
From October 2017 2.0% 3.0% 5.0%
From October 2018 3.0% 5.0% 8.0%



If you have any questions relating to whether your staff are Eligible Jobholders and what implication this has to your business please feel free to contact us here at Cheadles. We can advise what correspondence needs sending to your staff and what steps to take next.

Automatic Enrolment Worker Categories

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

Unsure how to classify your workers for Auto Enrolment purposes?

There are three Categories of workers that your staff will fall into:

There are two variables that will decide what category your member of staff falls into.

The diagram below will help you categorise your staff: Please note, rates of pay are based on the 15/16 level of earning limits.


<img class="alignnone wp-image-159" src="" data-lazy-src="×190.jpg" alt="flowchart" width="666" height="422" data-lazy-srcset="×190.jpg 300w,×487.jpg 768w, https://cheadle-accounts tadalafil for×650.jpg 1024w,×95.jpg 150w, 1280w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 666px) 100vw, 666px” />flowchart


If you wish for assistance with categorising your staff please feel free to contact us here at Cheadles where we can help guide you through the process.

Further information is available from the pension regulator